We are continuously working to simplify technology for our customers. As part of this process, we looked carefully at how we add value for our customers. Going through the work we have done, and thinking about the approach and philosophy we use while developing our solutions we realized that the greatest value we provide to our customers is getting technology to work effectively for them. We not only help customer deploy, but we enable it so that the customers/users adopt it, integrate it into their businesses, and make the best use of it. Or in other words, we simply make technology work for them. We get into the shoes of the users and identify what will benefit them; and what resistance will they have in adopting a technology solution. For instance, we created  AdVanced  which allows you to quickly build a modern intranet for your organization. It brings together a contemporary and personalized “Home page @ work” for your team, allowing easy access to relevant information, documents, applications and people. Powerful configuration options enable the solution to fit your unique contexts. AdVanced comes with a bundle of widgets facilitating conversations, discovery and awareness powering all information activities that your team performs. This way we help customers leverage their current investments, avail options that supports customizability and ability to extend/alter easily, does not require dedicated content managers and provides localization and personalization.

We all here are technologists and we love latest and greatest tech, but working as consultants with various customers, handling Tech Audience Marketing  projects we also understand that not everybody is. Technology is the first order of business for us but not necessarily for our customers. Technology can be a great tool for individuals but it may not transform a group’s or organization’ business scenarios. Considering this, with right understanding of technology audience, product, solution needs and competition we have always looked at designing technology messaging for our customers; marketing technology work for them.

There are many aspects of a successful solution. We need to look at the users, user personas, use cases and the business process along with the technology that can help the customer (the classic People-Process-Technology factors work better together not individually). As an example, we can deploy a massive project management solution but we all know that the will not benefit until the users fully embrace it. In this way, we can transform solution disruptive technology implementation into a powerful tool for business transformation by driving greater adoption through day to day relevance. This will result in overall success for us and our customers. Keeping this in mind we offer cloud based business intelligence and data management solutions through our Adaptive BI services helping transform data into insight & action.

Finally, we stay away from “rip and replace” solutions as it causes more disruption for organizations than the solution is often worth. Instead, the solution starts with current business processes and work on improvements and changes gradually. Our philosophy of the phased approach comes from that. This helps customers adopt new technology and methodology smoothly and simply. Goals as all of us get in an acceleration mode, where we are not merely responding to the events, but actively shaping them.

All our solutions are driven by only one goal; making technology work for all our customers every day and in every way.

Technology is a great enabler of productivity, creativity, and effectiveness, but only if it is fully adopted. We work hard to understand our customers’ needs and pains to provide working solutions that maximize ROI and business impact. Want to making technology work for? Write us  at  connect@advaiya.com  and discover more.

Posted by Advaiya

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