Gain insights from untapped sources
Understand information in a better way and maximize the experience with the help of AI capabilities
Improve the potential of hidden insights, relationships and patterns to scale your business in a more effective way. Pave the way for a deeper understanding of collected information leveraging a combination of intelligent services.

The Advaiya advantage
Advaiya’s tailored knowledge mining solutions allow you to collect unstructured, semi-structured and structured data across various sources before extracting deeper information from the datasets through AI capabilities. Advaiya thus ensures your access to newly indexed data driving informed decisions.
- Improved and more effective content research
- Enable your organization to avoid manual errors, reducing additional costs and providing a competitive edge
- Enhances customer support and feedback analysis
Knowledge mining: key aspects
Helping you to make smarter business decisions through a deeper understanding of collected data
Step-based implementation
Step-based implementation
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Project lifecycle digitalization for Sterlite Power (EPC)
Sterlite Power is a leading global developer of electric power transmission infrastructure and electric utilities solutions provider company.

Cloud Migration and Process Automation for EHS-International
Advaiya helped EHSI to migrate their existing projects and associated documents to Office 365, to facilitate hassle-free overview of all projects and keep the team aligned and focused.